Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Words can not always descirbe something perfectly.  Like a perfect moment. It is so much better for a picture to be taken so that you can possibly share it or just remember the moment so much better down the road.  Seeig the moment for youself is of course always the best but when trying to describe that moment how would you? Can you make the other person feel the way you did when that moment happened?  You could but that be a ton of explaining.  Taking a picture is like capturing that moment, so they can get the complete feel of it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Considering a Portrait

In my opinion when people now think about a portrait they just think a pcture of a person.  The word seems to have lost some of its meaning.  Back in the 1900's getting a portrait done was a big deal.  Sure people still get dressed up if they go have their picture taken, but it is still different.  For example, in the 1900's you would have most likely only had one portrait done at a time because of how long it took for the picture to come out.  Now people do 10 or 15 poses (give or take) and then choose what they like and get them printed.  Truly a change in the times.